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in the


Poemville Returns in April

Poemville returns in April district wide. Stay tuned for updates.


Make an impact

We’re currently recruiting volunteers for a variety of APGD projects and programming to benefit the Audubon Park Garden District. Upcoming opportunities include:

Retro Modern Home Tour

Meets the first Thursday of every month, 6 PM, at Redlight Redlight.

Bird Call Neighborhood Celebration

Meets second Wednesday of every month, 6 PM, at Redlight Redlight

APGD Urban Forestry Dept (green up projects and programming)

Meets third Tuesday of every month, 5:30 PM at Stardust

Public Art Team

Meets third Tuesday of every month, 6:30 PM at Stardust

Poemville/Wine Walks

Meets fourth Wednesday of every month, 6 PM, at Lobos Coffee Roasters

Poemville first half, wine walks second half


Become an APGD Member Today

The APGD Main Street program, a 501c3, makes this area a better, more successful and desirable place to live, own a business and work. But we couldn’t do it without your support, so please consider joining The APGD today.

You don’t have to live or work here to support our mission and we have plenty of options at every level, both for residents and businesses. All proceeds from our memberships furthers our mission to make our community a more economically, environmentally and socially sustainable neighborhood.


APGD’s Retro Modern Home Tour


Fresh in the Press

Coro Restaurant Chef Cooking APGD

"So, what's your favorite restaurant?" In the 18-plus years I've been reviewing restaurants in this city, I've never been able to answer that question. My invariable reply — "It depends" — is often met with disappointment. Those dependencies, after all — cuisine, cost, mood, time, locale, craving, noise level, lighting, service, etc., etc. — make it damned near impossible to respond with any semblance of conviction. But if you were to ask me now, I'd say Coro. With certitude. Coro is my favorite restaurant.”

You can read the rest of Faiyaz Kara’s Orlando Weekly article here.

Hosted by

Michael Lothrop


Phone: 407-718-4776




You don’t want to
miss our next event

Explore The APGD Main Street






The APGD Main Street
is Home Grown
& Locally Owned


A City of Orlando Main street program

Established in 2008, the Audubon Park Garden District is a City of Orlando Main Street program.

Main street america accredited

Part of the National Main Street program, our local program has been nationally accredited every year we’ve been part of the program.